️Call for Abstracts
️IMBeR Synthesis and
️Future Planning Conference
️(Future Oceans 3)
️Navigating a future ocean:
️Inward, outward, and forward
️13-16 May 2025
️Hybrid Event: Shanghai, China & Online
IMBeR (Integrated Marine Biosphere Research) approaches the conclusion of its transformative journey (2016–2025) and is excited to host the IMBeR Synthesis and Future Planning Conference (Future Oceans 3, FO3). This pivotal event will bring together IMBeR’s diverse science teams, representatives from international organizations, policymakers, and early career researchers to reflect on the past decade-long achievements, share rich collaborative experiences, and shape the future of marine biosphere research.
️Looking Inward:Reflecting on IMBeR's scientific achievements over the past decade.
️Looking Outward: Reviewing IMBeR's interactions with relevant scientific projects, programs, organizations, and initiatives.
️Looking Forward: Envisioning the future of marine biosphere research post-IMBeR.
️Invited Speakers
Sorted alphabetically by surname
More speakers to be confirmed
️Submit Abstracts
IMBeR invites prospective participants to submit abstracts for the following sessions. The organizing committee will select submissions for oral or poster presentations within the available time and space. Plenary sessions and poster presentations will enable participants to engage with broader themes and network with colleagues beyond your selected session.
️Submission Portal
Scan the QR code above to access
the abstract submission portal
️Submit abstracts by 20 March 2025!
️Session 1
Understanding multi-stressors of marine environments and achievements and challenges from ecosystem resilience and environmental management
️Session 2
Achievements from IMBeR Grand Challenge 2 and opportunities for IMBeR 3.0: from scenarios, predictions and projections to actions, solutions and interventions
️Session 3
Blue Transformations: Governance for the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus
️Session 4
Stakeholder engagement in complex ocean multilevel governance settings
️Session 5
Island biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality in the Anthropocene
️Session 6
Coastal blue carbon ecosystem: Carbon resources evaluation, sources-sinks processes and management collaboration
️Session 7
IMBeR strategic partnership: Recognizing interfaces and building synergies with relevant projects and UN Ocean Decade Programmes
️Session 8
Synthesizing ecosystem-social interactions in coastal seas
️Session 9
Optical remote sensing in the Northwest Pacific and the Central Indo-Pacific Oceans
️Session 10
Coastal ecosystems in a warming sea
️Session 11
Tropical research/capacity building
️Session 12
SIBER and the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition
*Each session will invite an Early Career Researcher to serve as a co-convener and/or rapporteur as the program develops.
Sessions' information will be updated promptly
️Conference Website
Welcome to the conference website for more information: https://imber.info/event/fo3/
Scan the QR code above to
visit the conference website
️Contact us
Meeting Secretariat: IMBeR IPO
Email: imber@ecnu.edu.cn
️Sponsors and collaborators are welcome
️Sponsors and Supporters
️Navigating a future ocean:
️Inward, outward, and forward
️中国上海 & 线上
国际大科学计划——海洋生物圈整合研究(IMBeR)将于2025年5月13-16日在中国上海举办IMBeR第三届“未来海洋”国际研讨会(Future Oceans 3)。本次会议旨在全面回顾和总结IMBeR国际大科学计划过去十年的卓越科学成果,并展望未来发展方向。会议将汇聚IMBeR相关领域的战略科学家、国际项目首席专家,以及国际与国内资助方、合作伙伴和各利益攸关方代表齐聚上海,共同探讨新阶段的科学规划和战略布局。
· IMBeR近十年卓越科学成果综合回顾
· IMBeR相关领域国际计划的协同合作
· IMBeR新阶段的科学规划和战略布局